Eighteenth Generation

98. John FORTESCUE31 was born in 1525. He died on 25 December 1595. On the eastwall of the south aisle of East Allington Church, below two brasses thirty-two inches long, of a man and woman side by side - "Here lyeth buried the bodies of John Fortescue, Esquier, and Owner his Wife. Which John deceased the XXVth day of December 1595, being the age of LXX years, and the said Owner deceased the ___ daie of ___ Anno Domini ___ being the age of __ years"

John FORTESCUE and Honour (Owner) SPECCOT were married about 1540. Honour (Owner) SPECCOT31 signed a will on 25 December 1604 in Fallapit, East Allington, Devon. Will of Honor FORTESCUE of Fallapit
25 Dec 1604, probate 10 Nov 1606

to be buried in church of E Allington by my husband John Fortescue late dcsd.
Edward F my second son
Honor Prydeaux wife of Humfry Prydeaux (da of Edmund)
Honor Fortescue eldest dau of my son Edward
Elinor F wife of Edward F my second son
John F son of my son Edmond F
Reede F eldest son of my son Edward F
Richarde Halse Esq
Fannces (sic) F and Nicholas F sons of Edmond F
Thomas Halse son of Rychard Halse of Kenniton
George Fortescue, John F, Phillip F and Sibell Fortescue children of my son Edward
My daughter the lady Rolle
My daughter in law Mary Fortescue
Elizabeth Nichols wife of John Nichols
Elinor Foster my maid
To the poor of East Allington, Sherford and Woodley
residue to Edmond Fortescue my eldest son

Overseers: my cousin Thomas Ameridith and my cousin Edmond Rhennell
Witnesses: Humfry Prideaux and Edmiund Bayly

Inventory by Christopher Bartlett and Edward Wakeham 12 Sept 1606: Total £231 16s 8d
exhibited 10 Nov 1606
Archd. of Totnes, Woodley D.

Source: Devon Wills transcribed by Olive Moger, vol 8 page 2538
copies at DRO and at West Country Studies Library Exeter (WCSL)
She died in 1606. She had her estate probated on 10 November 1606. John and Honour were buried at East Allington Church. He died in
1595, aged 70

John FORTESCUE and Honour (Owner) SPECCOT had the following children:



Anne FORTESCUE of Fallapit.



Edmund FORTESCUE of Fallapit.



George FORTESCUE of Fallapit31 was born in 1557. He was christened on 10 August 1557 in East Allington, Devon. He died before 1604. Not mentioned in mother's Will so probably dead by 1604



Edward FORTESCUE of Fallapit.



Mary FORTESCUE of Fallapit.



Jane FORTESCUE of Fallapit.



Annis FORTESCUE of Fallapit (private).